Frequently Asked Questions
We provide worry-free practice management solutions for total confidence in maximum reimbursement.
If you have any questions or concerns about the services we provide, please contact us. We want to hear from you.

Some Frequently Asked Questions:
Why should I outsource my billing?
We know the industry inside out and have the experience to get the job done right. In addition, employee expenses (salary, Workman Compensation insurance, etc) can be eliminated or substantially reduced. The end result, cash flow and profitability improves while certain costs will be reduced or eliminated.
Will my cash flow improve?
Clients see immediate improvement in cash flow. Our total focus is billing. We work very hard to maximize collections because we are compensated based on what we collect. We are experts in medical billing which means we get the job done right the first time. We have a good rapport with our business partners, so, when problems arise, we are able to take care of them quickly.
How much does your service cost?
Our fee is based on what is collected, not what is billed, and will be agreed upon during contract negotiations. Contact us for details. |